Practical implementation of Wilhelm Osbahr’s entrepreneur balance sheet theory assumptions – the case study
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2015, Vol 2015, Issue 85
The aim of this study is to present the possibilities of the practical application of Osbahr’s balance sheet theoryassumptions, as one of many possible attempts to close the information gap in the financial reporting of thetwenty-first century. Wilhelm Osbahr, at the beginning of the 20th century, made an attempt to solve the problemof indicating the balance sheet values (the impact of balance sheet evaluation on the balance sheet items),from the point of view of an entrepreneur or business owner, at the same time clearly emphasizing the necessityto deal with the balance sheet structure through the prism of the objectives pursued by the company. Osbahrpostulated highlighting any changes occurring in the economic structure of the company and its components,which do not result directly from its operating activities, and so to present them in the position called “adjustments”.This article uses the deductive method supported by literature studies and a case study method. Theauthors using the case study method confirm the possibility of using the described balance sheet theory in thecurrent financial reporting based on actual data of the company ABC Ltd. They also show that a balance sheetwhich is presented according to the new reporting formula discloses new quality of information for the financialreporting users.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Śnieżek, Michał Wiatr
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