Praktyczne zastosowanie różnych kryteriów wyboru najkorzystniejszej oferty dla postępowań publicznych w zakupie autobusów
Journal Title: Autobusy. Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe - Year 2015, Vol 188, Issue 10
Most of Polish transport companies are regulated by rules of the Act from 29 January 2004 - public procurement law [1]. Application of the provisions of the law creates a lot of problems in establishing by a buyer the choice criteria of the most attractive offer. And therefore drafting SIWZ terms of reference - which mandatory must contain criteria discussed in the act - don’t pose major difficulties in case of purchasing new vehicles. However in case of the purchasing used vehicles establishing choice criteria the most attractive offer causes a lot of problems. Discussing the differences in establishing criteria in several cases applying various criteria is a subject of the present article.
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Abramowicz
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