Magdalena Kamińska
How to define an identity? As a product of individual or result of social and cultural influences through the ages? One, main and only answer could not exist. Ones identity in post-modern reality will be elusive. From ti...
Transmediality in modern popular culture. Polish Popular Culture until 1939<br/><br/>
Magdalena Kamińska (2012). [ ` ] [ ` ] [ ` ] :((( :*… Praktykiżałobne w cyberprzestrzeni.. Kultura Popularna, 3(33), -.
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Technologie self, czyli „programowanie” dryfujących tożsamości
How to define an identity? As a product of individual or result of social and cultural influences through the ages? One, main and only answer could not exist. Ones identity in post-modern reality will be elusive. From ti...
Prawo autorskie w czasach zmiany // Społeczne wyobrażenia i normy
Pacjenci Sieci // Informacyjne kompetencje zdrowotne
KULTURA POPULARNA 2016 nr 1 (47). Cały numer
Transmediality in modern popular culture. Polish Popular Culture until 1939<br/><br/>
Nowy serial. Między Dogmą a technikami filmu dokumentalnego