The paper deals with the image of Jews in contemporary Polish cabaret. Increasingly, homegrown artists take up the subject of anti-Semitism and intolerance although sometimes they include stereotypical figures, clever Je...
In the article the author analyses viral images of the Turkish Spring, of clashes on the Israeli-Palestinian border, as well as some other iconic protest photographs. By following the impact these photographs make throug...
The article deals with issues related to the history of the circus in Ordynacka Street in Warsaw, a place that constituted an important spot on the map of Warsaw’s entertainment in the Interwar Period. The question of th...
Michał Danielewicz, Alek Tarkowski (2015). Prawo autorskie w czasach zmiany // Społeczne wyobrażenia i normy. Kultura Popularna, 3(41),
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Jesteśmy tutaj i gdzie indziej. Magia sceniczna końca XIX wieku a pojawienie się (i zanikanie) wirtualnego obrazu jako korzenie kina
Wątki żydowskie w polskim kabarecie na początku XXI wieku
The paper deals with the image of Jews in contemporary Polish cabaret. Increasingly, homegrown artists take up the subject of anti-Semitism and intolerance although sometimes they include stereotypical figures, clever Je...
Celebrytyzacja uczestniczek i uczestników protestów
In the article the author analyses viral images of the Turkish Spring, of clashes on the Israeli-Palestinian border, as well as some other iconic protest photographs. By following the impact these photographs make throug...
Ciało narodu. Przypadek cyrkowego siłacza Zyszego Breitbarta
The article deals with issues related to the history of the circus in Ordynacka Street in Warsaw, a place that constituted an important spot on the map of Warsaw’s entertainment in the Interwar Period. The question of th...
Echa filmów Johna Cassavatesa. Odpowiedź na kino amerykańskiego reżysera w Blue Valentine Dereka Cianfrance'a i Żonach Anji Breien