Prawo do informacji o wyborach / The voters right to information about the election
Journal Title: Studia Wyborcze - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue
Public opinion surveys and the number of invalid votes cast, especially in local government elections, show that Poles have little knowledge of electoral law. This is by all means an undesirable phenomenon. Information about the election seems to be a necessary element to make an informed electoral decision. What is information about the election? The answer to this question derives not only from specific provisions of the Electoral Code. These issue should be considered more widely. Undoubtedly, with taking into consideration the general regulation on the access to public information, as well as the provisions of international law or the interpretation of the basic rules governing elections.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Frydrych-Depka
Multidyscyplinarność „Studiów Wyborczych” - artykuł recenzyjny
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