Prediction of free field heave using C[sub]W[/sub] and C[sub]H [/sub]indices


In order to predict free heave in expansive silty clays two methods were applied: CLOD test and double-swelling methods. In both methods C[sub]W[/sub] and C[sub]H[/sub] indices are required respectively to determine the soil heave. The CW index is determined as a slope of straight line of shrinkage curve obtained with a use of CLOD test. In case of double-swelling method two oedometer tests were carried out to determine C[sub]H[/sub] index: constantvolume and consolidation-swell oedometer tests. Comparison between heave values calculated using C[sub]W[/sub] and C[sub]H[/sub] indexes indicated slight differences.

Authors and Affiliations

Karina Niedźwiedzka, Kazimierz Garbulewski, Marzena Lendo-Siwicka


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  • EP ID EP133336
  • DOI 10.1515/sggw-2016-0001
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How To Cite

Karina Niedźwiedzka, Kazimierz Garbulewski, Marzena Lendo-Siwicka (2016). Prediction of free field heave using C[sub]W[/sub] and C[sub]H [/sub]indices. Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation, 48(1), 5-12.