Predictive implementation of undefined-quantitative semantics in the modern Ukrainian literary language.


In modern Ukrainian language words with accompanying insignificance semantics are associated with predicates of undefined quantity. Due to their semantic branching, it is expedient to distinguish predicates of an undefined- quantitative feature and predicates of an undefined quantity-ratio. Indication for the quantitative revelations that are not clearly defined is common for both types. Predicates are also able to express undetected numbers clearly (primary manifestation) and the amount that constitutes a transitive zone between insignificance and significance (peripheral manifestation). Predicates of the undefined-quantitative feature mark precisely undetermined number of objects, phenomena, processes, etc. They indicate: 1) a small, not clearly defined small or less than necessary set of something; 2) insignificant-quantitative feature of objects, creatures, etc. that is enough for something; 3) a large, sometimes too large undifferentiated, precisely undetermined number of someone or something. Predictions of the undefined quantity-ratio point to a larger (the largest) or smaller (the smallest) undefined-quantitative feature of something compared to another subject or their totality. The language units of each groups and their subgroups are analyzed as markers of the semantic-syntactic and formally-syntactic sub-levels of the syntactic level. They are also reviewed in accordance with the number and formal expression of the entities that are in semantic-syntactic relations and formally-syntactic relations with them. All predicates’ subgroups of undefined-quantitative feature require only one left-sided obligatory component-subject. Predicates of an undifferentiated number-ratio are different from them and predict, in addition to the subjective, the objective syntaxeme. Predicate syntaxemes on the formal-syntactic sublevel usually correlate with compounded nominal predicates, in particular their numeral, adverbial and noun models. Occasionally they are represented by a simple verbal predicate. All varieties of predicates are in a predicative relation to a subject, that is expressed in nominal or generic case. Controlled members of the sentence are revealed only in constructions that are simulated by stepped units of undefined semantics.

Authors and Affiliations

І. П. Поляк


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How To Cite

І. П. Поляк (2018). Predictive implementation of undefined-quantitative semantics in the modern Ukrainian literary language.. Науковий вісник Дрогобицького державного педагогічного університету імені Івана Франка. Серія: Філологічні науки (мовознавство), 10(), 104-108.