Представництво прокурора в суді та окремі питання його організації


У статті розкрито передчасність ліквідації законодавцем функції представництва прокуратурою України інтересів громадянина в суді. Акцентовано увагу на окремих важливих питаннях організації представництва прокуратурою інтересів держави в суді, зокрема щодо визначення його підстав та розмежування строків позовної давності з припинальними строками. Запропоновано шляхи щодо удосконалення діяльності прокуратури в цьому напрямі. In the legislation of the European states, much attention is paid to the protection of the rights of socially vulnerable categories of citizens through representation by the prosecutor in court of their interests. In particular, the prosecutors of Latvia, Lithuania, Slovakia, Belgium, Bulgaria, Hungary, Portugal, Spain, and France may intervene in court cases involving the actions of adolescents or incapacitated persons or persons with disabilities. At the same time, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, the prosecutor's office is deprived of the powers to protect the rights and freedoms of a citizen (including an alien or stateless person legally staying in the territory of Ukraine) in the order of representation in court. The need for the prosecutor's office to return to the office of the prosecutor of the interests of a citizen in court is proved by the many years of positive experience of the prosecutor's office in the given direction, the accessibility of citizens to the prosecutor's offices, the provision by the prosecutor's office of the full protection of their rights and freedoms, in no way can be compensated by the introduction by the state of granting free legal assistance. The prosecution's implementation of the representation of the interests of the state in court is clearly stipulated by the requirements of the law, namely: in exceptional cases and in the manner prescribed by law. However, the legislator does not specify the exceptional cases. In practice, prosecutors are guided primarily by the general rule set forth in Article 23 of the Law of Ukraine "On the Prosecutor's Office." When preparing the statement of claim, the prosecutor first of all must find out if the time for going to court has not expired. The running of the limitation period starts from the moment when the "interests of the state" became known to the authorities and other persons of the plaintiff and his controlling structures, and not to the prosecutor. To determine the beginning of the current limitation period, it is not only the person's immediate knowledge of the violation of his rights that matters, but also the objective ability of that person to know about the circumstances of the violation of his rights.

Authors and Affiliations

Євген Анатолійович Безкровний


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Євген Анатолійович Безкровний (2018). Представництво прокурора в суді та окремі питання його організації. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 81(1), 53-60. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-535360