Preliminary information about the species composition and peculiarities of biology reproduction of Ternopil synanthropic passerine birds series (Passeriformes)


The article presents preliminary results in the observations of species composition of Ternopil synanthropic passerine birds series (Passeriformes). Study results of zoological museum collection of Botany and Zoology Department of TNPU named after V. Hnatyuka are also presented. According to the research is established the distribution of 18 bird species from 7 passerine birds family series in Ternopil. In the article is indicated information about the biology of reproduction and nutrition for these synanthropics species. There are results of studies about of birds’ nesting, their nests and eggs.Our researches showed, what some birds, such as Delichon urbica, Sturnus vulgaris, Phoenicurus phoenicurus, Phoenicurus ochrorus, Passer domesticus become too urbanized and mostly settled in human houses and outbuildings or in not natural nests. Other birds settled not far from human building in gardens, berry fields, squares and parks.The analysis of reproduction showed that most synanthropic birds are laying eggs 1-2, but some species may have up to three ovipositions. The number of set aside eggs depends on the birds size. Usually, small birds have from 8 to 10-13 eggs, but most of size birds put aside from 4 to 6 eggs. A similar dependence is observed in terms of incubation. Thus, smaller species the eggs hatch 11-14 days, and species of the Ravens family – from 16 to 20 days. Thus, according to our observations and already known researches, done at 20th century, we see that a number of urbanized and synanthropic birds is increasing. This contributes, particularly settlement expansion factor, i.e. the process of urbanization, human exploration of new territories and the constant reduction of natural biocenoses.

Authors and Affiliations

С. Подобівський, А. Котів


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How To Cite

С. Подобівський, А. Котів (2016). Preliminary information about the species composition and peculiarities of biology reproduction of Ternopil synanthropic passerine birds series (Passeriformes). Naukovyi visnyk Chernivetskoho universytetu. Biolohiia (Biolohichni systemy), 8(2), 246-251.