Preliminary studies on the use of Fenton reagent to reduce pollution from wastewater from the production of household chemicals
Journal Title: Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW. Land Reclamation - Year 2018, Vol 50, Issue 4
Industrial sewage from the production of household chemicals contain large amounts of impurities in the form of ionic and non-ionic surfactants, detergents, active extenders, enzymes. The mixture of these components means that the reduction of pollutants from this type of wastewater is very burdensome. The article presents the results of preliminary laboratory tests of the possibility of using Fenton reaction in the reduction of pollution in wastewater from the household chemistry industry. The reduction of impurities was determined by the concentration of COD. The tests were carried out on samples of wastewater taken from an industrial wastewater treatment plant from the production of household chemistry. A pollution reduction of 24.7–32.3% was achieved. On the basis of the preliminary tests carried out, the need to better match the doses of reagents to carry out pollution reduction was determined. Despite obtaining values exceeding the limit values for introducing this type of sewage into the sewage system and into the environment, the conducted tests can be considered as prognostic. To compare the process carried out on industrial wastewater, a reduction of impurities was carried out using the Fenton reagent in the standard phenol solution.
Authors and Affiliations
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