Premenstrual Syndrome and Its Effects
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2018, Vol 6, Issue 1
Background: The premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is particularly common in the younger age groups and, therefore represents a significant public health problem in young girls. This study aims to estimate the prevalence of PMS, and its effects. Materials and Methods: Unmarried medical students aged 18-25 years with regular menstrual period for the last 06 months were recruited by convenience sampling. The study employed a pretested, selfadministered questionnaire. The questionnaire included four sections; demographic data, menstrual features, a section on symptoms and another section dealing with the effects of PMS. Results: Prevalence of premenstrual syndrome was found to be 47%. Among the somatic symptoms breast tenderness was the common symptom in 26% subjects and among the behavioural symptoms irritibility is the commonest symptom in26.5%. PMS was significantly associated with dysmenorrheal (P=0.000) and positive family history (P=0.01). Stastical significant differences was found between students with PMS and those without PMS regarding effect of premenstrual period on student's overall academic life(p=0.000), daily activities (p =0.000) and sleep rhythm(p =0.001).Data was analysed using percentages, Chi-squares. Conclusion: Premenstrual syndrome is a common problem in young girls which adversely affects their educational performance and emotional well-being
Authors and Affiliations
Shaugfta Aara
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