Preparation of Ready to Eat Flakes of Sorghum [Sorghum Bicolor (L)]


The Sorghum flakes were prepared by two methods. The first method adopted by a local company, which manufactures cereal based flakes. Whole and de-hulled sorghum ware separately soaked in water for 18 h to improve the moisture content. Moisture contents increased to 45% in de-hulled whereas 38% in whole grain respectively. Water was drained and grain was roasted in hot pan at 200 OC till popping sound. Then pressed in an edge runner and roller flaker to obtain fine flakes. Another method was developed by Dr. Kellog, the process adopted in preparation of corn flakes. Dehulled sorghum was cooked in boiling water until the starch gets completely gelatinized. The time required for complete gelatinization of starch was determined by checking the complete disappearance of chalkiness when cooked grains is pressed between two glass plates, then tempered for 20 to 30 min in ambient air and then dried in tray drier at 70 OC and 15 min. The sorghum grits were then roasted for 11 min at 200 OC and then pressed in edge runner to obtain fine flakes. Color and overall acceptability were high in case of flakes obtained by the process described by Dr. Kellogg.

Authors and Affiliations

Palakurthi Akhila, Rumandla Sandeep Kumar, Pachumarthi Nageshwera Rao


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How To Cite

Palakurthi Akhila, Rumandla Sandeep Kumar, Pachumarthi Nageshwera Rao (2017). Preparation of Ready to Eat Flakes of Sorghum [Sorghum Bicolor (L)]. International Journal of Agricultural Science and Research (IJASR), 7(4), 737-746.