Presence of two Intussusceptions with Meckel’s Diverticulum : A Case Report
Journal Title: People's Journal of Scientific Research. - Year 2009, Vol 2, Issue 2
During the routine cadaveric dissection a Meckel’s diverticulum was observed which was about 50 cms, proximal to the ileocaecal junction. The length of the diverticulum was about 7 cm. After exploring the abdomen we observed intussusceptions at two places; first intussusception was seen at about 30 cms from duodeno-jejunal junction & other one was 21 cm distal to the first one. Since presence of two intussusceptions along with Meckel’s diverticulum is a rare and interesting finding, hence this case was considered suitable for discussion.
Authors and Affiliations
Satyam Khare, , Shilpi Jain, , Archana Sharma,, Nivesh Agarwal
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