Prevalence of colour blindness among school going children aged 10-17 years in Jodhpur city Rajasthan
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 2
Color blindness in which subject is unable to clearly distinguish different colors of the spectrum. Due to this decrease performance at school, reduce employability and productivity, and generally impair quality of life. This is school age based cross- sectional study to determine the prevalence of colour vision errors among school going children aged 10-17 years in government and private co-educational schools in Jodhpur city. In this study 1000 students of age 10-17years were examined. Colour vision defects were screened with help of Ishihara’s pseudoisochromatic test 38 plates. Prevalence of colour blindness was 3.2% which included 3.2% males and 0.00% females. Deutranopia was found more common than other types. All of subjects are not aware of their status of vision impairment. So this study is helpful to colour blindness students to know their disability and to adjust appropriately to overcome their difficulties. Early school screening for it is recommended. Keywords: Colourblindness, Ishahara,s chart, visionscreening, school children , sex.
Authors and Affiliations
Rajkumar . , Jayant Kumar, N D Soni, Raghuveer Choudhary
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