Prevalence of dental fluorosis and caries in 12-year-old children living in areas with high levels of fluoride in drinking water

Journal Title: Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne) - Year 2009, Vol 62, Issue 3


Introduction: In view of high levels of caries indices in Lodz district it was decided to investigate the influence of endogenous fluoride intake on the prevalence of caries. Aim of the study: To evaluate the prevalence of fluorosisandcariesin12-year-oldchildrenlivinginareas with high levels of fluoride in drinking water.Materials and methods: The investigation covered 231 children residing in the following places: Błaszki, Sieradz, Warta, Klonowa. The evaluation of dentition was carried out by standard epidemiological means, using the DMF index for caries fluorosis index acc. to Dean. Results: The severity of caries in children from Błaszki, Sieradz and Warta was very similar, with DMF index at 2.43, 2.57, 2.37 respectively, and the prevalence of fluorosisat18.2%,33.4%,35.7%.However,theintensity of caries was statistically significant in children from Klonowa, where a mean value of DMFt was 5.08 and prevalence of fluorosis0%.Conclusion: There is significant correlation between the intensity of caries in children under study and the level of fluoride in drinking water. However, the prevalence of mild fluorosis was relatively high– between 18 and 35.7%, which may indicate lack of positive balance between the cariostatic and adverse action of fluoride. Hence the necessity of fluoride supplementation according to individual needs.

Authors and Affiliations

Magdalena Wochna-Sobańska, Beata Szydłowska-Walendowska, Patrycja Proc


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How To Cite

Magdalena Wochna-Sobańska, Beata Szydłowska-Walendowska, Patrycja Proc (2009). Prevalence of dental fluorosis and caries in 12-year-old children living in areas with high levels of fluoride in drinking water. Journal of Stomatology (Czasopismo Stomatologiczne), 62(3), 178-183.