Prevalence of Dry Eye Diseases in the Out Patient Department of ophthalmology in a tertiary care center
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 2
Background: Around the world it is learnt that between 5-34% of people have some form at dry eye and prevalence significantly increases with age. [4, 5] The large variation in the prevalence of dry eye disease is attributed to the variations in the study population, geographical differences and lack of uniformity in method and definitions of the disease dry eye. Patients and Methods: during the period from July 2015 to Nov-2016 Patients were consecutively selected and underwent a routine ophthalmological examination along with tear film break-up time (TBUT), Schimers test and Rose Bengal test or flourescien staining as a screening tools for detecting the presence of dry eye. Statistical Analysis: Data are expressed as mean, standard deviation and range. For quantitative data, statistical evaluations are performed by using t test and for qualitative data chi square test is used. Results: A total of 500 patients were screened for dry eye in Department of Ophthalmology in the tertiary care center. Out of these 82 patients were diagnosed as having dry eye. For the study factors such as age, sex, occupation, responsible diseases and season were taken into consideration. Conclusion: our study showed that the prevalence of dry eye disease is very high among the elderly female. The overall prevalence dry eye was found to be 16.4% .and it was also found that dry eye disease is under diagnosed disorder
Authors and Affiliations
Atul Raut MS
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