Prevalence of shoulder pain in hemiplegic patient who underwent physiotherapy treatment and who do not underwent physiotherapy treatment


Background: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the leading cause of death worldwide. The incidence rate for men is slightly higher than that for women and more than 80% of the stroke patients are older than 65 years. The survival rate of stroke patients has increased over the last years. Need for study: To study the prevalence of shoulder pain in Hemiplegic patients following stroke. To find out the incidence of shoulder pain in hemiplegics who underwent physiotherapy treatment and who do not underwent physiotherapy treatment. Method and Materials: A Cross-sectional study included hemiplegic patients in the age group of 30-75 years in and out patient of MGMs hospital Aurangabad. Total of 44 participants included(29 Male and 15 Female) with diagnosed Stroke. Instruments: Modified Ashworth Scale, Functional Independence Measure, Numeric Pain rating scale. Results: We screened 44 hemiplegic patients for Hemiplegic Patients with shoulder pain 47.82% and without shoulder pain 52.18%,1 to 3 on NPRS is Mild pain is 10 patient having pain, 4-7 NPRS is Moderate pain is 26 of patient having pain and 8-10 is sever pain is 6 patient. In that 18 patient took Physiotherapy treatment and 26 patient did not took Physiotherapy treatment, 14 patient suffer from shoulder subluxation and 30 patient did not suffer from shoulder subluxation. Conclusion: Prevalence rate of HSP among post-stroke hemiplegic patients is associated with the return of a minimum of shoulder movements. There was no association of HSP with factors like age, sex, side of paralysis, type of lesion. Relashion between HSP and degree of functional recoverywas significant as the pain was common in both the subjects whether they underwent physiotherapy or not but the performance of shoulder function.

Authors and Affiliations

Sucheta Golhar, Gaurav C. Mhaske, Aakanksha Joshi


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Sucheta Golhar, Gaurav C. Mhaske, Aakanksha Joshi (2016). Prevalence of shoulder pain in hemiplegic patient who underwent physiotherapy treatment and who do not underwent physiotherapy treatment. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 21(2), 149-153.