Prevalence of Ticks on Camels and Cattle Brought to Dodoru Market Kebbi State, Nigeria
Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 4
Dodoru Market is popular for its weekly Market day in Kebbi State, Nigeria. People converge at the market every Monday from various places to buy or sell. Survey of ticks on camels and cattle brought to Dodoru Market for sale was conducted. The aim was to evaluate the prevalence of camel and cattle ticks. A total of 90 animals (40 camels and 50 cattle) were examined. Five tick species were identified and prevalence was evaluated. Results revealed that 32 of the camels were infected with the prevalence of 35.6% and cattle were also infested with 44.4 % prevalence. Boophilus decoloratus has the highest prevalence of 29.1 % in both camels and cattle. Thigh and abdomen were more susceptible to ticks species with the prevalence of 37.7 %. The survey also shows that cattle were more infested than camels and thigh/abdomen was observed to be the most preferred locations for ticks in both camels and cattle.
Authors and Affiliations
Yahaya Muhammad Abdullahi, Ibrahim Muhammad Magami, Ahmed Audu, Muhammad Murtala Mainasara
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