Preventive Physical Therapy as a Health Need and Service. Theoretical Background

Journal Title: Fizjoterapia Polska - Year 2018, Vol 18, Issue 2


Under the Act on the Profession of Physical Therapist, preventive physical therapy is one of the health services provided within physical therapy activities. Its task is to promote pro-health behaviours and to develop and maintain fitness and endurance of people of different age, for the purpose of preventing disability. There are three levels of preventive physical therapy – primary, secondary and tertiary. Primary preventive physical therapy is addressed at the whole population or at susceptible groups. Its purpose is to provide the knowledge of and skills for maintaining health using proper types of physical activity. Secondary preventive physical therapy covers the activities undertaken after the occurrence of the first signs of disease. Its purpose is to prevent the consequences of the diseases or to inhibit the development of the expected but not yet visible, signs. Tertiary preventive physical therapy includes the activities undertaken in the case of a developed disease or dysfunction which are not possible to cure. Its purpose is to prevent the exacerbation of signs and to provide optimum compensation mechanisms. The following persons are statutorily obliged to develop the life and special skills directed towards (propedeutic) competences in the scope of preventive physical therapy: parents, teachers, health promoters, caretakers, nurses, physicians and physical therapists.

Authors and Affiliations

Zofia Kubińska, Kamil Zaworski


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How To Cite

Zofia Kubińska, Kamil Zaworski (2018). Preventive Physical Therapy as a Health Need and Service. Theoretical Background. Fizjoterapia Polska, 18(2), 58-68.