Pricing formation for grain cereal seed production
Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 2, Issue
The purpose of the article is to highlight the main differences and specifics in the price formation for grain cereal seed production. Research methodology. Statistical and economic, comparative analysis, calculation. Research results. There’ve been presented the research results of the pricing system for grain cereal grain production in Ukraine. Correlation between growth of the grain price and the seeds price of different categories has been shown, and there’s been justified uneven increase in prices for various categories of seeds. There’s been carried out calculation of the minimum seeds price for economic entities that have their own production capacities for it, and in case of the usage of seed plants services in their production. The calculations show that manufacturers with own capacities have 10% price competitive advantage. Complexity and constant changes in the legislation in seed production, permanent transformation of seed certification authorities, low profitability of seed business have led to a sharp decrease in the number of seed producers. Elements of scientific novelty. The real and potential capacity of the seeds market of winter grain crops in 2017 has been determined. There’ve been indicated reasons of poor supply of seed requirements through the market and negative consequences for economic entities with own production capacities and scientific institutions as the owners of varieties. Practical significance. According to the research results the main differences and specifics in the price formation for grain cereal seed production have been substantiated, which made it possible to form the main positions of price formation on a specific production resource – grain cereal seeds. This will increase the economic efficiency of seed production and the competitive status of its producers. Tabl.: 4. Refs.: 15.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliia Buniak, Iryna Danylko
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