Principles of land distribution (redistribution) in planning the spatial development of territorial communities


In order to harmonize the existing land management documentation and documentation, which is both urban planning and land management, proposed by the Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine on Land Use Planning", the main features of state, communal and private land use were analyzed. , their assignment to one or another category of lands, determination of the purpose and type of use within the functional zoning of the territory when planning spatial development. The basic principles of distribution (redistribution) of lands by types of use are offered taking into account requirements of the complex plan of spatial development of territories of territorial communities and the plan of zoning of the territory (zoning). The main features of these principles are taking into account restrictions on land use within certain functional zones, certain categories of land of the formed land plots, functional purpose of the territory and characteristics of the territory. The relevance of developing a classifier of types of land use, types of functional purpose of territories and the relationship between them, as well as the rules of its application with the definition of land categories and types of land use, which can be established within the relevant functional area.

Authors and Affiliations

B. Avramchuk, E. Butenko, Y. Loshakova, O. Kravchenko


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B. Avramchuk, E. Butenko, Y. Loshakova, O. Kravchenko (2020). Principles of land distribution (redistribution) in planning the spatial development of territorial communities. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 2(8), -.