Priority Directions of Development of Transportation Branch From the Point of View of Ensuring its Investment Security

Journal Title: Бізнес Інформ - Year 2013, Vol 4, Issue 0


The article considers and justifies modern approaches to determining priority directions of formation of the state policy of development of the transportation branch and development of transportation companies from the point of view of investment security. It offers a mechanism of formation and realisation of the state policy, which is not just a sum of organisational and economic forms, but a phenomenon, which reflects interconnection between them, interaction and intertransition. It establishes most important reasons that hold back development of the transportation branch. It determines main economic measures of the state policy of ensuring investment security of the transportation branch, which development of prospective forms of financing and support of this sphere are related to.

Authors and Affiliations

Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev


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How To Cite

Vyacheslav Kudryavtsev (2013). Priority Directions of Development of Transportation Branch From the Point of View of Ensuring its Investment Security. Бізнес Інформ, 4(0), 228-232.