Journal Title: Academic Research International - Year 2012, Vol 3, Issue 3


The current investigation is aimed at digging out the impact of newly flourished and greatly cherished privately owned electronic media (Television Channels) of Pakistan and its impact on the popular and established social norms of the society. The cultivation analysis and agenda setting concept is used to theoretically articulate the study because both these theories are most suitable for the current study. Survey method of investigation and data collection is used to examine the phenomenon. The survey has been conducted among 100 people both male and female that were selected through the process of stratified random sampling. The study concluded that the social diffusion of electronic and digital technologies has made instantaneous communication possible, rendered many border checks and controls over information infective, and exposed an enormous consistency to diverse cultural outputs and values. From human rights to trade regimes, political power is being rearticulated and reconfigured. Increasingly, contemporary patterns of socialization are associated with multilayered system of governance. So the private media in Pakistan has rendered tremendous services to Pakistani society in its political socialization and producing political awareness in the masses.

Authors and Affiliations

Zahid Yousaf


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How To Cite

Zahid Yousaf (2012). PRIVATE NEWS CHANNELS: ALTERING THE POLITICAL PERCEPTION OF PAKISTANI PEOPLE. Academic Research International, 3(3), 426-439.