Pro-somatic attitudes and adipose tissue content in school age students


habits. This poses different problems such as a reduction in positive attitudes towards physical activity and a growing danger of diseases related to contemporary civilisation, including overweight and obesity. The aim of the research was to evaluate pro-somatic attitudes of school age students who have different content of fatty tissue. The subjects were a group of students from selected schools of the Pomeranian Voivodeship. The study involved objective and subjective indices of pro-somatic attitudes. In the first group were included: fitness, knowledge and lesson attendance and in the second one: attitudes towards physical culture, mood, opinions about physical education lessons and the level of fatigue during exercise. The breakdown of participants by two groups taking account of the difference between adipose tissue content was a result of median estimation of the thickness of fat folds. These results show that students with a higher amount of adipose tissue have bigger knowledge about physical culture, but slimmer participants showed higher turnout at physical education lessons. There were no significant differences between groups in the case of fitness and subjective measures of pro-somatic attitudes. The results of this study show that overweight at young age does not clearly and definitively determine pro-somatic attitudes, and sustained negative attitudes may be a reason for overweight later in life.

Authors and Affiliations

Barbara Wilk, Marcin Pasek, Ewa Kupcewicz


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How To Cite

Barbara Wilk, Marcin Pasek, Ewa Kupcewicz (2015). Pro-somatic attitudes and adipose tissue content in school age students. Rocznik Naukowy /Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego i Sportu im. JędrzejaŚniadeckiego/, 25(0), 16-23.