Problem nieśmiertelności duszy w humanistycznej myśli epoki Renesansu
Journal Title: Kwartalnik Pedagogiczny - Year 2017, Vol 62, Issue 1
During the Renaissance an increased interest in the problem of the immortality of the soul was observed, and although this question became particularly important for the philosophers of the sixteenth century, it is worth noting that it was widely discussed already in the quattrocento. This article presents some results of the research on the revival of the analyses regarding human immortality; it discusses the impact of a humanists’ new vision of man and education on the dispute on immortality. Studia humanitatis, as an expression of Renaissance anthropocentrism, had the effect in the form of treaties on human dignity and nobility. Adding to this the concept of individualism in the humanistic pedagogy and new translations and editions of ancient works, including De Anima of Aristotle and the commentaries on this text, we have an explanation for the intensification of the discussions on the immortality of human soul.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Joanna Papiernik
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