Problem of honesty and dignity in sports and moral selfeducation of a sportsman

Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2015, Vol 0, Issue 5


Rivalry in sports today as an extremely sensitive issue. Sometimes sports competition takes place for such small fractions of millimeters, seconds, kilograms, that the rivals do not pay much attention to each other. At such moments moral principles inherent in sports competition are very relevant. The latter, in particular, provides a rivalry that is based on honesty and dignity of athletes. A fundamental principle of solving the problem of honesty in sports is considered the ideal «Fair play». Simultaneously sport has various deviations from moral standards, double standards. In connection with the solution of issues of moral education and upbringing of volitional qualities of athletes there is a need to implement such recognized actions as self-control, self-persuasion, self-complacency, and others. Attention is drawn to the negative social impact on the youth, sport in the work with youth requires a rethinking. With the aim of compliance with ethical conduct in sport for athletes specific codes of honor, standards and requirements which are aimed at creating a harmonious personality with deep moral and ethical beliefs are being developed.

Authors and Affiliations

Olena Zavalniyuk


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How To Cite

Olena Zavalniyuk (2015). Problem of honesty and dignity in sports and moral selfeducation of a sportsman. Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac, 0(5), 144-155.