Problem of Limits of Rational Model of Human Actions. An Attempt to Capture Habitual-Rational Action
Journal Title: Studia Europaea Gnesnensia - Year 2011, Vol 4, Issue
Summary from Doctoral Dissertation
Authors and Affiliations
Mieszko Ciesielski
Odzyskiwanie pamięci i rehabilitacja ofiar reżimów w ustawodastwie polskim i hiszpańskim
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„Poślubię kardynała…” – małżeństwo Armanda księcia Conti i Anny Marii Martinozzi
This paper investigates the causes behind the marriage of Armand, Prince of Conti, cousin of Louis XIV and the niece of Cardinal Mazarin, Anna Maria Martinozzi. Their matrimony paved the way for strengthening the Cardina...
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In the literature of the antiquity we can distinguish three patterns: the minimalist, universalistic and constrained. The first confines prefecture to being merely the command of praetorian cohorts, while other possible...
Un poeta español en la corte de Viena: Weltanschauung y antipetrarquismo en Cristóbal de Castillejo
The figure of the humanist Cristóbal de Castillejo (Ciudad Rodrigo, 1490- Vienna, 1550) plays a fundamental role in 16th centuryEurope, embodied by emperor Charles V. The most significant aspect in the poet’s biography,...