
Дана стаття має на меті внести науковий доробок до питання європейської ідентичності та визначити роль проблеми шукачів притулку у її формуванні. Пропонується історичний огляд формування європейської ідентичності у контексті інституцій ЄС. Наводиться теоретичне підґрунтя процесу формування державної ідентичності у рамках конструктивістської теорії, а також роль дискурсу та образа Іншого. Виділено та розглянуто три рівні розвитку європейської ідентичності. Зроблено висновки щодо можливої ролі проблеми шукачів притулку у формуванні європейської ідентичності. The article deals with the process of European identity formation. Short history of the European identity as seen through the formation of the European Union through seven subsequent enlargements. The aim of the article is to examine whether the asylum seeker crisis is likely to have an impact on the European identity formation. The author starts by providing theoretical background to the state and suprastate actors identity formation. Constructivist theory provides insights into the process of constructing and reconstructing of the identities, and its critique points out the possible role of discourse in identity formation as shaped by political actors. Special attention is given to the role of the Other in the identity shaping. Subsequently, three levels of European identity formation are outlined: the national level, the level of interaction between member states, and the supranational level of interaction of the EU as political entity with the other political actors. Further the impact of the discourse related to the asylum seekers crisis is examined at each level. The author concludes that political actors at the national level have contributed to the creation of the Other from the asylum seekers, and from the Muslim minorities in the EU contries in general, relying on the previously existing problems with societal integration and accepting Western values, associated with the above-mentioned minorities. According to the previously outlined theoretical postulates, the creation of the Other should have contributed to shaping and strengthening of the European identity. However, after examining the next level of identity-building, and namely, the level of interaction between member states, it becomes clear that the existing evidence points out just the opposite. In fact, the asylum seeker crisis has fleshed out the existing differences between the EU member states. Two blocks with conflicting views might be cautiously outlined. The “old” member states interpret European identity and values as compelling to receive all in need of help, and combat the minority integration problems with education and tolerance; while the “new” member states, formerly those of the USSR or the Soviet bloc, who have taken less tolerant position, up to the outright refusal to accept non-Christian asylum seekers, and seeing European identity as being under threat, with themselves as its defenders. Another conclusion is that the EU institutions have decisively failed in strengthening the European identity, as well as in creating unified voice of the EU as a single political entity. Due to the latter, it is hard to make predictions for the future of the European identity at the supranational level. It is, however, clear that the asylum seekers crisis has had negative consequences so far for the unity of the European Union, as well as for outlining the way for the development of the European identity.

Authors and Affiliations

Nataliia Kadenko


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Nataliia Kadenko (2016). ПРОБЛЕМА ШУКАЧІВ ПРИТУЛКУ ТА ЇЇ ВПЛИВ НА ФОРМУВАННЯ ЄВРОПЕЙСЬКОЇ ІДЕНТИЧНОСТІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(15), 226-233. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-426706