Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2018, Vol 11, Issue 19
В статье рассматриваются результаты взаимодействия теоретического анализа и экспериментальных исследований, посвященных определению реального грамматического статуса единиц, которые могут быть отнесены к «абсолютным» единицам английского языка. Введение статистических методов позволяет определить также количественные характеристики «абсолютных» конструкций. The paper concerns one of the most disputable issues of the English theoretical Grammar – so-called «absolute» constructions (units) of the English linguistic system. They were and are considered by many well-known theoreticians, who presented their opinion on this grammatical phenomenon, but the arguments are very contradictory. The results are as follows: «absolute» constructions (units), which occupy their own place in the English Grammar and function in speech along with all other grammatical units do not even enter the English Grammar textbooks. The main cause is the absence of agreement among the English language theoreticians as to the grammatical «absolute» constructions status in the system of language, and even the definition of this term. This has led to the impossibility to form the whole nomenclature of «absolute» units and carry out scientific research by young grammarians interested in the issue and intending to develop it further on. As the way out the authors offer to solve the «absolute» units problem with exclusively experimental methods, i.e. by compiling a real text corpus, making its contextual analysis and statistical (quantitative) calculations of various types of «absolute» units functioning in the texts. To perform this task a text corp based on the works of English and American fiction was created. It consists of 2,5 million tokens. The availability of the text corp makes it possible to form a frequency list of different types of «absolute» constructions. In accordance with the authors’ viewpoint the results of such kind of research can successfully interact with the developed theoretical aspect. On the basis of theoretical achievements the definition of the term «absolute» was formulated, which was accepted as a working one. The frequency list includes besides the constructions entirely acknowledged by all theoretical grammarians as «absolute» (they are commonly referred to «Absolute Nominative constructions»), the ones called «problematic» because their «absolute» grammatical status is not recognized by all linguists and is to be proved. The procedure of proving is based on demonstration of their (constructions) correspondence to the accepted working definition of the term «absolute». The authors have chosen two of the problematic «absolute» constructions – the ones with however, which show the syntactical function of however in preposition of predication structures in the sentences of the type «However, he arrived later», and the constructions of the type «St. Paul’s». According to the theoretical and experimental methods above it is proved that constructions with however in the sentences of the type «However, he arrived later» does not correspond to the definition of the term «absolute» and is not included in the list of «absolute» units while the one of the type «St. Paul’s» completely meets this definition, which confirms its «absolute» grammatical status.
Authors and Affiliations
Олена Сергіївна Попович, Олена Іванівна Петрова, Марина Геннадіївна Томенко
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