Problematics of fungal infections in the ear
Journal Title: Otolaryngologia Polska - Year 2008, Vol 62, Issue 3
Fungal infections of the ear are recognised quite rarely, but they make sometimes, for many reasons, very important diagnostic-therapy issue. Cantagion may developes in every elements of the ear, ranging from external ear (external canal ear, sometimes auricle), middle ear (every pneumatic structure) to iner ear (extra ordinary rarely). Every states, which weaken general and punctual immunity (like immunosupression, chemo-sterydotherapy, blood disease, pregnancy and HIV) are circles, which give facilities to invansion. After penetrated organism, course of infections, in case of type of patogens, trim of the patient and localization, can have without symptoms, sharp, chronic or fulminant shape. For the sake of morphological differentiation fungal, in their developing cycle, treatment mycosis recommends serious diffi culty, extra factor, which impeds therapy, is a must of prolongely antifungal treatment and repeated (to total elimination) remove hyphae from ear, which stay sometimes even for week. Progress of the mycotic infections ear, remain bacterial infections and is often reason of bad diagnosis and incorrect treatment.
Authors and Affiliations
Katarzyna Nowak, Witold Szyfter
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