Problems and potential ways of water transport development in Ukraine


Purpose. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current market of water transport in Ukraine, analyze the problems of its functioning and identify possible prospects for its development with the aim of increasing the volume of transportation. Design/methodology/approach. The basic principles of the research are systematic and comparative methods, institutional and structural-functional approaches have been used. Findings. The article analyses the problems, which have led to a loss of river transport’s competitiveness compared to other modes of transport. This has caused many switching cargo from the river transport on rail and road in recent years. For the revival for inland waterways navigation of Ukraine and improving the capacity of river transport (economic and ecological mode of transport), it is necessary to take measures to withdraw it from stagnating and ensure further growth of river traffic. The subject of the study is the general state of inland waterways of Ukraine. The purpose of the article is to analyze the current market of water transport in Ukraine, analyze its functioning and identify possible prospects for its development in order to increase the volume of transportation. Research limitations/implications. The paper clearly provides direction for strategic development of waterways taking into account the specific features of the development activity in Ukraine. Originality/value. Such knowledge will help to increase the competitiveness of the Ukrainian economy and accelerate the process of integrating the country into the world economy. Further research on the development of waterways is significantly actualized in the process of Ukraine's integration into the world economy

Authors and Affiliations

Alina Karamushko, Serhii Bohdanov


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How To Cite

Alina Karamushko, Serhii Bohdanov (2017). Problems and potential ways of water transport development in Ukraine. Менеджмент та підприємництво: тренди розвитку, 2(2), 87-92.