Problems of administration of ACCOUNTING OF QUALITY OF LANDs in system of state land of Ukraine


Conditions of land resources of Ukraine and quality of soil getting worse, increasing areas of technogenic pollution. Uncontrolled land use leads to deterioration of soil fertility. To maintain a high level of natural properties of lands is necessary to monitor over their use, which can be achieved by accounting of land quality. Information about the quantity and quality of lands summarizing by the central executive authority that implements the state policy in the sphere of land relations. Summarized information on the quantity and quality of land on gratis personnel provided to state authorities and local governments according to Order of conducting of State Land Cadastre. One of the main problems of accounting quality of lands is in Ukraine now is not only the absence of regulatory documents, but also the reliability of available information According to it’s providing is necessary of availability of actual information about the status of land resources. The absence of qualitative characteristics land plots in cadastral system complicates state control over land use and protection, because there are no grounds for levy fines for the catastrophic decline of soil fertility. One of the layers of Public Cadastral Map of Ukraine are soils. Nowadays is approved by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine ( № 1051 nomenclature list of agro-industrial group of soils, which includes 222 of the agro groups with deciphering by granulometric composition. If with soil units identified, so the indicators that characterize them more difficult. That indicators, which were the basis for accounting of the quality of lands should check up to modern realities and condition of soils. According to the Law of Ukraine "On Land Protection", in the field of land protection and restoration of soil fertility establishes the following standards: maximum allowable soil contamination; qualitative condition of soils; the optimum ratio of lands; indicators of land and soils degradation. Standards of qualitative conditions of soils establishing in order to prevent their depletion and are used for monitoring the qualitative quality of conditions of soils. Standarts of quantative condition of soils are determining the level of pollution, optimal nutrient content, physical and chemical properties, etc.. Is necessary to use data of soil surveys and agrochemical certification of agricultural lands. The main problem of State Land Cadastre of Ukraine is the almost complete lack of information from the accounting of land quality. Filling the layer of "soil" in the Public Cadastral Map, according to the approved nomenclature list agro-industrial groups of soils, most likely does not correspond to the current state. It is connected with outdated information about the soils, because it was based on data from large-scale of soil surveys, which for several decades have not conducted. To fill the cadastral system by information about quantative condition of lands should be properly organized interaction between The State Service for Geodesy, Cartography and Cadastre and State organization «Institute of soil protection of Ukraine», other agencies on the rational use, land protection. This requires financing of measures from accounting of quality of lands not only from the state, but also adding of landowners and landusers, which using rented lands.

Authors and Affiliations

О. В. Тихенко


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О. В. Тихенко (2016). Problems of administration of ACCOUNTING OF QUALITY OF LANDs in system of state land of Ukraine. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 3(1), -.