The author of the article aims at explaining the reasons behind the abstention rate in Guatemalan
elections. The conditions related to economic, social and political fields, which have
impact on voters turnout, are prese...
Depiction of election campaigns in the elections of the President of the Republic of Poland
over the period of 1990–2015 on the basis of expenditure reported in financial statements
by the entities that nominated the can...
The article presents the verification, with the use of multiple regression and ANCOVA analysis
of variance, of the impact of selected variables on the number of votes obtained by candidates
for communal executive offices...
EP ID EP190527
Views 60
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How To Cite
Piotr Uziębło (2016). Problemy prawa wyborczego w publikacjach „Studiów Wyborczych”- artykuł recenzyjny. Studia Wyborcze, 0(),
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Czynniki determinujące frekwencję wyborczą w Gwatemali
The author of the article aims at explaining the reasons behind the abstention rate in Guatemalan elections. The conditions related to economic, social and political fields, which have impact on voters turnout, are prese...
Obraz kampanii wyborczej w wyborach prezydenta RP w latach 1990–2015 na podstawie wydatków wykazywanych w sprawozdaniach finansowych podmiotów zgłaszających kandydatów w tych wyborach
Depiction of election campaigns in the elections of the President of the Republic of Poland over the period of 1990–2015 on the basis of expenditure reported in financial statements by the entities that nominated the can...
Wyniki wyborów prezydenckich, parlamentarnych i referendów na świecie w okresie od 1 października 2017 roku do 31 marca 2018 roku
Polska bibliografia wyborczo-referendalna za 2016 rok
Wybrane determinanty poparcia kandydatów podczas wyborów gminnego organu wykonawczego
The article presents the verification, with the use of multiple regression and ANCOVA analysis of variance, of the impact of selected variables on the number of votes obtained by candidates for communal executive offices...