Процедура медіації як форма відновного правосуддя для неповнолітніх

Journal Title: Право і безпека - Year 2016, Vol 60, Issue 1


Розглянуто історію становлення відновного правосуддя та однієї з найпоширеніших його форм – медіації. Комплексно розкрито процедури медіації та її переваги перед судовим процесом. Особливу увагу приділено медіаційному процесу у сфері злочинності неповнолітніх. Рассмотрена история становления восстановительного правосудия и одной из самых распространённых его форм – медиации. Комплексно раскрыты процедуры медиации и её преимущества перед судебным процессом. Особое внимание уделено медиационному процессу в сфере преступности несовершеннолетних. The author of the article argues that one of the most effective methods of restorative justice is mediation. The article is to determine the nature of the mediation procedure as a form of restorative justice for juveniles. The novelty of this work is a comprehensive disclosure of the mediation procedure and its advantages over trial, especially the mediation process of minors. It is proved that depending on the status of mediator we distinguish the in-court mediation i.e. that is made by a judge or court staff with skills in mediation and specialized in the mediation. In last case, the parties choose the mediator from a list of mediators who are certified to practice such activities. When it comes to a minor a procedure of mediation can be offered not only to the parties of the conflict, but also to parents. The parties participate in the mediation voluntary and are independent in decision making. The mediator can not put pressure on the parties; his task is to establish a dialogue between them, to help in some legal matters, provide psychological support to participants, but not to make decisions for them. It is proved that restorative justice model provides a tendency to provide psychological rehabilitation of participants of the offense. Based on the practices of other countries and historical experience it is stated that there are significant legal advantages of the mediation process in the field of juvenile delinquency. The advantages of the mediation ahead educational measures or criminal punishment is that it allows: to reconcile the victim and the offender; to understand in a broad sense the nature of the conflict and eliminate its main causes; to understand the feelings of the victim and to feel sincere repentance of the offender; confidential settlement of the dispute; to coordinate positions not only with participants of the crime, but also with those, who psychologically have relation to it – parents, guardians, relatives, teachers, etc.; to resolve the situation without complicated procedures and within a small time frame; the absence of significant legal expenses, among which are the costs of counsel, expertise, etc.; to eliminate all possible negative consequences for a juvenile being in institutions of confinement; avoid the recurrence of offenses and to adequately socialize the offender.

Authors and Affiliations

N. V. Ortynska


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How To Cite

N. V. Ortynska (2016). Процедура медіації як форма відновного правосуддя для неповнолітніх. Право і безпека, 60(1), 121-125. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-265155