Proces odbudowy krajowego ruchu chrześcijańsko-demokratycznego u schyłku PRL (1986–1989)
Journal Title: Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość; Pamięć i Sprawiedliwość. Pismo naukowe poświęcone historii najnowszej - Year 2017, Vol 29, Issue 1
The article is an attempt at showing the reconstruction process of the Polish Christian Democratic movement and the decline of the Polish People’s Republic (1988–1989). The issue in question has not been previously studied by many researchers. They have usually focused on the history of the Stronnictwo Pracy, social Catholicism, the activity of various lay Catholic circles (usually licensed ones), and the structure of the Labour Party (Stronnictwo Pracy) among the emigrants. What is more, it should be stressed that most of such analyses dealt with the period between 1944/45 and 1956, and in rarer cases, the decades of Władysław Gomułka’s and Edward Gierek’s rule. The 1980s (particularly the late portion of the decade) still require detailed research. In a way, the present article consists of two parts. The former one synthetically presents attempts at reactivation of the Christian Democratic circles after October 1956 and initiatives aiming at the reconstruction of Christian Democratic circles. This led to the establishment of the Polish Catholic Social Union (PZKS), which the initiators (mainly Janusz Zabłocki) intended to provide as a foundation for the reconstruction of the Polish Christian Democratic movement. The author has presented the main directions of PZKS activity, internal disputes (in the fields of ideology, politics and tactics) and the achievement of the party with regard to broadly understood political thought. The latter part of the article, which should be regarded as the main (fundamental) one, analyses the reconstruction process of the Polish Christian Democratic circles itself. The activities of the Christian Democratic Club of Political Thought, which was supposed to provide infrastructure for the future Christian Democratic movement (with regard to programme, politics and organisation). The focus is also on the political thought of the Club, its achievements in the field of programme and strategy related to the political changes in the country (e.g. the Round Table talks, June elections of 1989). What was equally important was the relationship between the Club and other opposition circles and licensed groups of lay Catholics (e.g. PZKS, PAX Association, Christian Social Association). The article has been based primarily on source materials of various provenance. The role of academic studies has only been auxiliary.
Authors and Affiliations
Tomasz Sikorski
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