Production technology of nitrogen-sulphur-calcium fertilizers on the base of urea and phosphogypsum
Journal Title: CHEMIK nauka-technika-rynek - Year 2012, Vol 66, Issue 5
Studies on preparation possibility of granular fertilizers of calcium sulfate and urea adduct type by granulation of urea-phosphogypsum pulp were carried out. The effect of various additives on granule hardness of this type fertilizers was investigated. It was found that addition of magnesium sulfate in various forms increased the granule mechanical strength. Bentonite addition also increased hardness of granules. Agricultural usefulness of the fertilizers was confirmed in field tests.
Authors and Affiliations
Mieczysław Borowik, Przemysław Malinowski, Andrzej Biskupski, Michał Dawidowicz, Sebastian Schab, Piotr Rusek, Janusz Igras, Kazimierz Kęsik
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