Проектування та розробка клієнт-серверного додатку на основі однорангових мереж

Journal Title: Математичне моделювання - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 2


DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT OF A CLIENT-SERVER APPLICATION BASED ON PEER- TO-PEER NETWORKS Solodka N.O., Liashenko O.A. Abstract A client-server application for data transmission in peer-to-peer networks is designed. It is proposed to use an improved algorithm of string parsing based on regular expressions. This algorithm provides a significant reduction in the time of transfer of client information with its simultaneous protection. Relevance of the topic of work is determined by the need to improve the quality of service in peer-to-peer transmission data streams. In order to solve this problem, we propose to use an improved algorithm of string parsing between client and server applications based on regular expressions. Utilization of such algorithm will accelerate the user's data transfer and provide its additional security. The purpose of the work is to improve the quality of service in peer-to-peer streaming data transmission with star topology through the application of an algorithm of string parsing between client and server application based on regular expressions, and also to provide user data security. To achieve this goal, the following stages of the study are performed: 1. Development of algorithm for data transmission in peer-to-peer networks with star- topology, which allows to improve the quality of streaming data transmission and their security. 2. Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the proposed and existing algorithms for managing the transmission of stream data in peer-to-peer networks. 3. Development of an experimental client-server application based on peer-to-peer networking, both for a limited number of users and for open access. In the proposed client-server application, data transfer is realized on the basis of peer-to-peer networks with reduced load on the server side with simultaneous increase in data transfer speed through the use of regular expressions. The additional security of customer data and the principle of communicating with client and server applications are implemented. Further research is the development of a graphical interface for the server, the creation of a rank of users, the use of several TCP ports for downloading and distributing data. The developed algorithms for string parsing and increasing the security of data leakage can be used by programmers to create their own software products. The results can be used in enterprises where there is a need for data exchange on the network. References [1] Tanenbaum Je., Ujezeroll D. Komp'juternye seti 5-e izd. [Computer networks 5th ed.]. St. Petersburg, Piter, 2012, 960 p. [2] Minko V. [The reverse side of peer-to-peer networks is the complexity of security]. Obratnaja storona piringovyh setej – slozhnost' obespechenija bezopasnosti / Zhurnal setevyh reshe-nij / LAN, 2015, no. 4. (In Russian) Available at: http://www.osp.ru/lan/2015/04/13045700/. (accessed 22.09.2017). [3] Buford J.F., Yu H., Eng Keong Lua. P2P Networking and Aplications. Elsevier Inc: USA, 2009, 396 р. [4] Vasil'ev D.S., Chunaev A.V., Abilov A.V. Jeksperimental'noe issledovanie kachestva peredachi video v drevovidnoj P2P seti s algoritmom ARQ prikladnogo urovnja [Experimental study of the quality of video transmission in a tree P2P network with the application-level ARQ algorithm]. T-Comm Telekommunikacii i transport, Tom 8, no. 1, 2014, рр. 10–15. [5] Vasil'ev D.S. Razrabotka algoritmov peredachi potokovyh dannyh na prikladnom urovne v setjah bespilotnyh letatel'nyh apparatov. Аvtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie nauchnoj stepeni kandidat tehnicheskih nauk [Development of algorithms for the transmission of streaming data at the application level in networks of unmanned aerial vehicles]. Izhevsk, 2013. 18 р. [6] Maklakov S.V. BPWin i ERWin. СASE-sredstva razrabotki informacionnyh sistem [BPWin and ERWin. CASE-tools for developing information systems]. Moscow, DIALOG-MIFI, 1999, 256 р. [7] Cheremnyh S.V., Semenov I.O., Ruchkin V.S. Modelirovanie i analiz IDEF-tehnologii: praktikum [Modeling and analysis of IDEF-technology: workshop] . Moscow, Finansy i statistika, 2002, 192 p. [8] Aksenov K.A., Klebanov B.I. Rabota s CASE-sredstvami BPwin, ERwin [Working with CASE-tools BPwin, ERwin]. Ekaterinburg, GOU VPO Ural'skij gosudarstvennyj tehnicheskij universitet UGTU-UPI, 2004, 50 p. [9] Fridl Dzh. Reguljarnye vyrazhenija, 3-e izdanie [Regular expressions, 3rd ed.]. St. Petersburg, Simvol, 2008, 598 p. [10] Solodkaja N.A., Knizhnik G.G. [Application of the parsing algorithm in the client-server application based on regular expressions]. Zbіrnik statej ІІ Vseukraїns'koї naukovoї konferencії (z mіzhnarodnoju uchastju) “Naukova Ukraїna” [Collection of Articles II National Conference (with international participation)]. Dnіpropetrovs'k, Akcent PP, 2016, pp.208-212. (In Russian).

Authors and Affiliations

Н. О. Солодка, О. А. Ляшенко


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How To Cite

Н. О. Солодка, О. А. Ляшенко (2016). Проектування та розробка клієнт-серверного додатку на основі однорангових мереж. Математичне моделювання, 1(2), 87-93. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-277259