Terrorism has become one of the major issues of international criminal law policy. A sudden change of public perception of terrorism has occurred since 9/11 attacks – from regional groups of fundamentalists, terrorists h...
This article is focused on the actual position of security measures applicable to addicted offenders in the criminal justice system as well as in the Polish penal debate. The most important problems that occurred in this...
Originally, working time regulations were intended to increase the level of safety in the process of work. As a result, working time regulations were relatively stable and rigid. The traditional organization of working t...
Legal Approaches Against Terrorist Attacks – Fundamental Facets of an Effective Criminal Justice Response
Terrorism has become one of the major issues of international criminal law policy. A sudden change of public perception of terrorism has occurred since 9/11 attacks – from regional groups of fundamentalists, terrorists h...
Środki zabezpieczające dla sprawców przestępstw popełnionych w związku z uzależnieniem w świetle ustawy z dnia 20 lutego 2015 r. o zmianie ustawy – Kodeks karny oraz niektórych innych ustaw – „noweli lutowej”
This article is focused on the actual position of security measures applicable to addicted offenders in the criminal justice system as well as in the Polish penal debate. The most important problems that occurred in this...
Panel IV. Comparing Polish and American Law Teaching Methods: Lessons from the Past for the Future
Working Time Flexibility and Its Limitations
Originally, working time regulations were intended to increase the level of safety in the process of work. As a result, working time regulations were relatively stable and rigid. The traditional organization of working t...