This article is discussing certain issues concerning the liability within the reliance interest under modern Polish civil law having as a background and a starting point Prof. Czachórski’s considerations over the idea of...
30 April 2016 saw the entering into force of the Act of 14 April 2016 on the Suspension of Sale of Land of the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury and on Amending Numerous Acts . The amendments pertained to...
The article concerns primarily the effects of the membership of the European Union on national (Polish) law and, to a limited extent, on the political system of a state. The conclusions presented in the article are of un...
Online mediation is a convenient and fast way to resolve disputes. The experience of the United States and European countries shows that the electronic method can be successfully carried out. Therefore, using the achieve...
Odpowiedzialność odszkodowawcza w ramach ujemnego interesu umowy
This article is discussing certain issues concerning the liability within the reliance interest under modern Polish civil law having as a background and a starting point Prof. Czachórski’s considerations over the idea of...
Restrictions on Trading in Agricultural Land and European Union law
30 April 2016 saw the entering into force of the Act of 14 April 2016 on the Suspension of Sale of Land of the Agricultural Property Stock of the State Treasury and on Amending Numerous Acts . The amendments pertained to...
Europeanisation of Polish Law Following Poland’s Accession to the European Union
The article concerns primarily the effects of the membership of the European Union on national (Polish) law and, to a limited extent, on the political system of a state. The conclusions presented in the article are of un...
Contents/ Spis tresci
Elektronizacja postępowania mediacyjnego jako wyzwanie dla polskiego systemu rozwiązywania sporów
Online mediation is a convenient and fast way to resolve disputes. The experience of the United States and European countries shows that the electronic method can be successfully carried out. Therefore, using the achieve...