Professor М. V. Vinokurov about the railways’ wagon parkdevelopment of national railways


The article is devoted to the vision by professor М. V. Vinokurov the process on development of the railways wagon park in the Russian empire and soviet time (up to 1960). All aspects of constructing freight wagons and passenger carriages are shown chronologically. М. V. Vinokurov defined directions in the development of carriages constructions. Further development and improvement of railway transport included foremost radical reconstruction of traction - replacement of locomotives by electric locomotives and diesel engines. On this basis the rearmament of all railway transport industries was carried out, including wagon and carriage facilities.

Authors and Affiliations

N. Ustiak


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How To Cite

N. Ustiak (2017). Professor М. V. Vinokurov about the railways’ wagon parkdevelopment of national railways. Історія науки і техніки: Збірник наукових праць Державного університету інфраструктури та технологій, 7(11), 87-95.