Professor Vitalii Matsko’s Scientific Interest in the Creative Work of the New York Group

Journal Title: Філологічний дискурс - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 7


The article deals with the scientific interest of Professor Vitalii Matsko in the creative work of the New York Group. The features of ontological and anthropological models of Ukrainian diaspora poetry and prose of the XX century in the aspect of genre-style dynamics and updating of its linguistic resources have been highlighted. The evolution of New York Group creativity in the dimentions of various stylistic artistic systems, proposed by the scientist, has been characterized. Research of the Professor Vitalii Matsko entered the textbook of Ukrainian diaspora literature of the second half of the XXth century and revealed the new field of scientific researches in the modern literary aspect, rethinking.

Authors and Affiliations

Тадей Карабович


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How To Cite

Тадей Карабович (2018). Professor Vitalii Matsko’s Scientific Interest in the Creative Work of the New York Group. Філологічний дискурс, 0(7), 83-91.