Profile of Cancer Cases: A Hospital Based Retrospective Study
Journal Title: Indian Journal of Preventive Medicine - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 1
Background: Cancer, which is defined as abnormal growth of cell, can affect any tissue or organ of body. Cancer is one of the major public health problems worldwide. Prevalence and pattern of cancer is known to vary from region to region. Epidemiological information on cancer including the pattern is an important basis for determining the priorities for cancer control in any population group. These days the world is heading towards various types of non-communicable diseases, which are also known as modern epidemics. Among these modern epidemics cancer is the second commonest cause of mortality in developed countries. In the developing countries cancer is one among the ten commonest cause of mortality. Objective: Present work is an attempt to study magnitude, profile and some epidemiological aspects in relation to cancer cases at a tertiary care level teaching hospital. Material and Methods: The present hospital based retrospective study was conducted for the period 1st May 2016 to 31st May2016. Cancer cases diagnosed by all methods or treated during this period were identified from the inpatient registers maintained by the Medical Records Department. All records were studied and analyzed. A total of 422 patients were treated during the period of study. A semi structured Performa was used to collect data such as age, sex, place of residence, type of cancers and treatment given. The data collected were entered in to MS-Excel sheets and analysis was carried out using software spss 20. The information obtained was tabulated and presented in percentages, and numbers. Significance was calculated using chisquare test. Results: A total of 422 cancer patients were treated during the May1st 2016 to May 31st 2016. Among them, 237(56.2%) were females and 185(43.8%) were males. The study revealed that Breast cancer (74 cases, 17.5%), Lung cancer (17 cases, 4%), Cervical cancer (18 cases, 4.3%), Oral cancer (38 cases, 9%) and 208 cases (49.3%) constitute remaining other cancers. Age and sex distribution revealed maximum number of cancer patients were present between 61 to 70 years (22.3%). In males, majority of cases were present in 61-70 Year’s age group (30.81%) and females majority of cases were seen in 41-50 year age group (23.6%). Study sample revealed 46.9% cancer cases (198 patients) residing in urban areas and 53.1% cases (224 patients) were from rural areas. The main methods of cancer treatment were surgery, chemotherapy and radiotherapy, used alone or in combination. Conclusion: Tobacco and alcohol related cancers predominated in males. In females, breast cancer predominated over breast cancer. Human behavior is a major determinant in the successful control of cancer. Understanding cancer magnitude, risk and trends will be of help in cancer control.
Authors and Affiliations
Neeta P. N.
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Profile of Cancer Cases: A Hospital Based Retrospective Study
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