Profile, Pattern and Surgical Management of Intestinal Tuberculosis from Western Uttar Pradesh
Journal Title: Scholars Journal of Applied Medical Sciences - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 10
Approximately 1/8th of total tuberculosis is extra-pulmonary of these abdominal tuberculosis accounts for 11-16% cases. TB of the gastrointestinal tract is the sixth most frequent form of extra-pulmonary site, after lymphatic, genitourinary, bone and joint, miliary and meningeal tuberculosis. This study was done to find out the profile, pattern and surgical management of intestinal tuberculosis in the region of western Uttar Pradesh. This retrospective study was conducted by Department of General Surgery, FH Medical College, and Tundla. A retrospective cohort of patients of abdominal tuberculosis cases, which were operated at this tertiary care institution during August 2015 to September 2016, formed the study population. Only those cases, which either had positive histopathology, or gross operative findings, or both conforming to the diagnosis of tuberculosis, were included in the study. Majority of study subjects were in the age group of 21-30 years (36%), followed by 11-20 years (26%) and 31-40 years (24%). 80% patients presented with abdominal pain. Vomiting and abdominal distension were reported by 46% and 42% of patients respectively. Fever and weight loss were also reported by most of the patients. Distension was present in 74% of the patients. 88% subjects were anemic. ESR was elevated in 74% subjects. Chest x-ray was suggestive of TB in 40%. On ultrasound 66% showed mass in right iliac fossa. 52% had dilated bowel loops with air fluid levels on X-ray abdomen (erect and supine). Most commonly (34%) Bowel Perforation Repair was performed followed by Right Hemicolectomy with Primary Anastomosis was done in 28% of subjects. Abdominal tuberculosis may mimic any intra-abdominal disease and can challenge the diagnostic skills. Data generated in this study can be of great importance of surgeons managing abdominal tuberculosis cases in this area. Keywords: Epidemiological study, Rural, Uttar Pradesh, Abdominal tuberculosis
Authors and Affiliations
Veerabhadrappa PS, Priyanka Tank, Abhishek Singh, Vipin Goyal, Shewtank Goel, Rakesh Tank
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