Program and results of research at the customs chamber in Dukla

Journal Title: Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe - Year 2017, Vol 1, Issue 5


In this article the background and reasons for archeological and architectural research on a site of historical customs chamber ruins in city of Dukla were described. Discovered elements of centuries-old construction and conclusions based on their analyses were shown, as well as approached reconstructions of building’s overlook in three different periods of its functioning. The importance of revitalization of historical buildings for the future of the city was empowered in the summary.

Authors and Affiliations

Marek Gransicki


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How To Cite

Marek Gransicki (2017). Program and results of research at the customs chamber in Dukla. Topiarius. Studia krajobrazowe, 1(5), 1-26.