Program Intervensi Narimo Ing Pandum untuk Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Psikologis Keluarga Pasien Skizofrenia
Journal Title: JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) - Year 2014, Vol 6, Issue 2
This study aimed at understanding the effect of Narimo Ing Pandum (NIP) intervention program to enhance psychological well-being of family caregiver of schizophrenic patient. NIP was developed based on Javanese values of kesabaran (patience), kebersyukuran (gratitude) and narimo (acceptance). The respondents of were two family caregivers of schizophrenic patient. This study employed a quasi experimental with a single case A-B-A design. Two instruments were used: NIP Scale and Psychological well-being scale. Visual inspection and qualitative data analysis were used. The result indicated that NIP intervention program increased the psychological well-being of family caregiver of schizophrenia marked by the increasing NIP attitude of the two participants before and after the intervention. Although their psychological well-being decreased in the follow-up phase, their NIP attitude was stable.
Authors and Affiliations
Noor Hanafi Prasetyo, M. A Subandi
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