Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія - Year 2016, Vol 9, Issue 15
У статті здійснюється практичне дослідження колокацій військових термінів на базі корпусу спеціальних текстів. Колокаційний аналіз реалізовується на основі синтагматичного зв’язку та лексико-синтаксичних шаблонів, у межах системи Sketch Engine. В процесі дослідження проведено аналіз лексичного складу вибраних офіційних текстів НАТО з використанням програмної статистики. Здійснюється висновок, що система Sketch Engine розширює можливості статистичного підходу, збільшує вірогідність пошуку колокації із заданим ключовим словом. Рекомендується застосовувати систему Sketch Engine як додаток до Національного корпусу російської мови (НКРМ). In this article the practical study of collocation military terms based on the corpus of special texts. Сollocation analysis is realized through communication and syntagmatic lexical and syntactic patterns, within the Sketch Engine. The study analyzed the vocabulary of selected NATO official texts using statistics program. The study of specialized texts and vocabulary takes a significant role in linguistics and terminology. Those allocations of collocations of NATO military terms (their syntactic, semantic and formal characteristics) require specific research. At the same time, specialized texts are not enough reflected in the Russian National Corpus and require the creation of the special corpuses for it with the purpose of detailed analysis of lexical changes in the text. Military specialized texts mostly terminology, and therefore require corpus-oriented methods for automatic selection of terms and term combinations (collocations). Automated extraction of collocations from individual specialized terms – a difficult linguistic task requires deep knowledge in the systems of statistical apparatus, working with the corpuses of texts, linguistic and semantic analysis of industry terms and terminological compounds on the quantitative parameters. In particular, the quantitative indicators of semantic connections that are analyzed on the basis of statistics of special corpus systems allow to allocate effectively persistent terminological phrases (collocations).Apply the tools of statistical analysis of individual phrases and terminology is estimated the quantitative relationship between elements phrases. Active conclude that the system Sketch Engine enhances the statistical approach increases the likelihood of finding collocation with a given keyword. We recommend using a system of Sketch Engine, in addition to the Russian National Corpus (RNC).On the basis of morphological markup corpus, the system generates a list of words, which provide information about their «linguistic structure». The result of the program the most frequency (sustained) phrases that are classified by type, in accordance with the lexical and syntactic patterns of grammar. For more quality work Sketch Engine system and its adaptation to RNC, is necessary to improve tools of morphological marking. Excess results in the issuance of homonymous versions of terminological combinations, explains exactly errors in the morphological markup. Among them: 1) a part of compound nouns signed by different lems; 2) missing or insufficiently effective solutions to morphological ambiguity; 3) error in attributing the right lems due to the absence a morphological dictionary of specialized terms.
Authors and Affiliations
Yulia Demianchuk
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