Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Building


In this project it is proposed to carry out progressive collapse analysis of 13 storey RC frame building by removing different column one at a time as per the GSA guidelines. Building consists of 5 X 5 bay 5 m in both direction and designed by Indian code as a special moment resistant frame. Structural model of building has been created in ETABS and loads are applied as per GSA guidelines, for evaluation of progressive collapse linear static method of analysis and nonlinear static method of analysis has been used. As per GSA guidelines three column removal case one at a time has studied, namely Corner column removal at ground floor, Exterior column at ground floor and interior column at ground floor. For all three cases both linear and nonlinear analysis has done and DCR ratios are evaluated. Member having DCR ratio greater than 2 will going to fail for corresponding column removal case. It is obtained that shear in beam is not critical in any case, Columns are also not critical in Progressive collapse. But by Linear static analysis and nonlinear static it is obtained that beams are going to fail in flexure.

Authors and Affiliations

Mrs. Mir Sana Fatema


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How To Cite

Mrs. Mir Sana Fatema (2016). Progressive Collapse of Reinforced Concrete Building. International journal of Emerging Trends in Science and Technology, 3(12), 4846-4854.