Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt K 12/16

Journal Title: Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych - Year 2016, Vol 52, Issue 4


In this draft position the author states that one of the provisions of the Act on combating unfair competition, concerning criminal liability for acts of dishonest competition in the field of advertising, is inconsistent with the Constitution. First, it provides an open catalogue of punishable acts, which violates the standard of specificity of criminal law. Second, the required elements of an offence were not sufficiently defined and they leave a subject of law in doubt as to whether his or her actions might result in criminal liability. Declaring the contested provision to be inconsistent with the Constitution eliminates the necessity of examining its conformity with Article 7 of the European Convention of Human Rights. Since in the examined case the constitutional standard and the international standard are practically the same, the proceedings regarding the latter should be discontinued.

Authors and Affiliations

Wojciech Brzozowski


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How To Cite

Wojciech Brzozowski (2016). Projekt stanowiska Sejmu w sprawie o sygn. akt K 12/16. Zeszyty Prawnicze Biura Analiz Sejmowych, 52(4), 191-211.