Properties Comparison of Intraperitoneal Hernia Meshes in Reconstruction of the Abdominal Wall - Animal Model Study
Journal Title: Polish Journal of Surgery - Year 2011, Vol 83, Issue 1
Modern methods of hernia tension free treatment use very wide range of modern biomaterials. Most of them are used transabdominal. For the best and most convenient treatment of large hernias would be a mesh suitable for intraperitoneal use with low adhesion ability to internal organs. <br/><b>The aim of the study</b> was to compare three types of intraperitoneal meshes. <br/><b>Material and methods.</b> The study compared three types of intraperitoneal meshes. Sub-chronic (14 days) and chronic (90 days) macro-and microscopic examination were performed on rats (n = 69). Properties of the polypropylene mesh (PLP), Dynamesh®‑iPOM and polypropylene covered with chitosan (PLP+chitosan) were evaluated and compared. <br/><b>Results.</b> It has been shown that the test meshes differ slightly during the healing process. <br/><b>Conclusion.</b> The PLP+chitosan mesh had the best biocompatible features of them all.
Authors and Affiliations
Piotr Ławniczak, Bartłomiej Grobelski, Zbigniew Pasieka
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