Propofol in modern multicomponent general anesthesia

Journal Title: Perioperative medicine - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue 1


This article examines the use of propofrol in the perioperative period. It is known that one of the main principles of modern anesthesiology is to ensure maximum safety of the patient during and after anesthesia. As the knowledge about the mechanisms of pain and anesthesia increases, the development and improvement of methods of general anesthesia continues. General anesthesia should provide rapid and pleasant induction, predictable loss of consciousness, stability of vital functions, minimal side effects, rapid and smooth recovery of protective reflexes and psychomotor functions. In connection with the introduction of new anesthetics with improved properties, a discussion continues in the publications about the choosing of the hypnotic component of general anesthesia. Thus, the article stipulates that the use of propofol in daily practice of an anesthesiologist improves the quality of anesthetic care in general and increases the safety of patients. When propofol is used, where medium fatty chain triglycerides (MST) and long chain triglycerides (LST) are used as the fat emulsion solvent, pain manifestations upon administration of the drug are reduced, that is valuable for comfortable anesthesia. Propofol LCT/MST has a lesser effect on blood lipid levels in liver transplantation, it helps to reduce the incidence of thrombophlebitis after administration and to reduce the negative effect on lipid metabolism in patients with a severe initial disturbance (despite the relatively small amounts of fat emulsion administered during anesthesia). The significance of this factor increases with the duration of anesthesia.

Authors and Affiliations

E. Yu. Sorokina


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  • EP ID EP341792
  • DOI 10.31636/prmd.v1i1.4
  • Views 84
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How To Cite

E. Yu. Sorokina (2018). Propofol in modern multicomponent general anesthesia. Perioperative medicine, 1(1), 25-32.