Prospective-observational evaluation of the 50 meningomyelocele neonates
Journal Title: Ege Tıp Dergisi - Year 2017, Vol 56, Issue 3
Aim: We aimed to analyze the clinical outcomes and maternal sociodemographic features of the patients followed in the neonatal intensive care unit with meningomyelocele diagnosis. Materials and Methods: Babies with meningomyelocele followed in the unit between January 2012 and December 2014 were analyzed prospectively and observationally. Perinatal data, maternal sociodemographic features, prenatal diagnosis, features of the sac, operation time, hospitalization duration, associated abnormalities, need of ventriculoperitoneal shunt, shunt infection, controls of policlinic, rehospitalization frequency and causes for each baby were recorded. Eighteen months after birth, children were assessed by the Denver Development Screening Test-II for psychomotor delay and the children were classified as normal, borderline delay and significant delay. Results: Fifty neonates admitted to the unit were diagnosed as meningomyelocele during the study period. Mean birth weight and gestational age were 3012±485 (1850-4000) g and 37.9±1.4 (35-42) weeks, respectively. 90% of the mothers had never used folic acid during pregnancy. Twenty-five of sacs were located in the lumbosacral, 24 in the thoracolumbar, and 1 in the cervicothoracic regions. Paraplegia was determined in 27 neonates. Mean operation time was within 4.9 ± 3 days. Among all neonates, 35 were diagnosed as hydrocephaly, 33 as hydronephrosis, 24 as Chiari type 2 malformation, 22 as pes equinovarus, and 16 as kyphosis. Denver Development Screening Test-II were normal in 14 babies whereas borderline delay in 31 and significant delay in 5. Conclusion: Educating women, folic acid use during pregnancy and fortification of food seem to be the important for reducing incidence of meningomyelocele.
Authors and Affiliations
Senem Alkan Özdemir, Nail Özdemir, Esra ARUN ÖZER
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